Added - Official R-9A / Basic Enemy / Blastings

Added the official R-9A Arrowhead to our entry: 

We added the one from R-Type 2 because an artist friend - Alan Yeoh - was kind enough as to borrow his art to us.   So we'll be using this one for the Player's ship.  

Different Light settings / temps / views: 

We also got the Force unit in place, from the same author Alan Yeoh: 

So all Bydo enemies will get to see something like this, most likely as the last thing they'll get to see...  ;) 

Here is the implementation at the game engine side: 

Added the first basic enemy from classic R-type > Pata-Pata : 

We added the first enemy type to the entry and right now is just following some kinda non-sense path in relation to the actual game, Milan, our lead coder is working hard on having the motion paths ready for the final implementation.  So, this should be working soon.  

I modeled this one in Blender 2.8 - it's my tool of choice for all  modeling related work, hope you like it: 

Here is the raw model in Blender (toon matcap applied to add visual interest): 

Here is the implementation at the game engine side: 

Description (at the R-Type wiki):

And here's a little Pic at the in-game action so far (for previewing of the Assets - not actual final game play):

Files Play in browser
Jul 31, 2019

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